One of the oldest treatments for healing is massage. Numerous ancient cultures have utilized massage therapies, such as Indians, Egyptians and Chinese. Massage therapy, also known as moxibustion is the practice of manipulating soft tissue and making a kne

One of the oldest treatments for healing is massage. Numerous ancient cultures have utilized massage therapies, such as Indians, Egyptians and Chinese. Massage therapy, also known as moxibustion is the practice of manipulating soft tissue and making a kne

There are two primary benefits of massage therapy. One is pain reduction. as stated above massage aids in reducing the pain through reducing tension in muscles by increasing flexibility and range of motion, which reduces discomfort and inflammation within the muscles. The second effect is increased blood pressure. It is often called "muscle relief" or "blood pressure normalizing."

There are a variety of different types of massage techniques. You might be familiar with some of them, such as deep tissue massage as well as trigger point massage and lymphatic massage. Myotherapy is a treatment which releases stress hormones and reduces muscle tension. Tension in the muscles can be the main cause of various chronic health problems, such as: headaches, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, back pain, chronic inflammation, insomnia, asthma, and more. Massage can reduce tension and ease blood pressure. It also promotes well-being and improves immune function.

Massage therapy has been proven to be very effective in treating many conditions. I am an experienced massage therapist. In fact, I enjoy it so much that I make it a point to see everyone who comes through the door. And even though I'm now in a position to offer massage therapy from home, I get lots of clients who seek "massage therapy" in my office. This means I still get lots of clients!

Aside from providing a relaxing environment for my massage clients I am convinced that myotherapy could help those who suffer from chronic pain, or other ailments. Regular massage can help you relieve tension, anxiety, headaches with chronic inflammation, tension and soreness in your muscles and soft tissues even if not have a condition that is debilitating. Massage can also boost your stamina. When you combine massage and regular cardiovascular exercise, you can boost your overall health and well-being.

Myotherapy has proven to be highly effective in the reduction of symptoms from numerous conditions. But, it's important to remember that massage therapy doesn't have to be just about manipulating soft tissue. Good massage therapists help their clients relax by soothing by engaging them in activities such as reading, playing board games, listening to music , and watching television. They can also encourage relaxation by knitting, gardening, or swimming. Myotherapy's aim is to help relax the body while relieving the mind. The massage therapist employs his hands to massage the muscles and soft tissues together during a massage therapy.

My clinic also offers additional treatments like Acupuncture and counseling for chiropractic adjustments, nutrition treatment, and lifestyle counseling. These other treatment options are effective when used in conjunction with massage therapy. The therapeutic options are combined to create a whole-body healing system. To determine which method of treatment is best suited to your needs I suggest that you speak with an integrative medicine doctor.

If you are visiting my office to get massages or to provide free services, it's important to ask regarding myolding or hospitality towels. Myolding towels can be cleaned and reusable. These towels are extremely absorbent and have many uses beyond our massage table. You can also buy huge quantities of myolding and hospitality towel to lower costs of materials for your massage business.